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Hygrohypnum luridum

Hygrohypnum luridum

Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Amblystegiaceae
Genre : Hygrohypnum
Scientific name

Hygrohypnum (German water sleep moss ) is a genus of deciduous mosses from the Amblystegiaceae family .


Hygrohypnum species grow in damp to wet locations, sometimes even submerged in water. They form green to yellow-green or brown-green lawns. The stem cross-section shows an arm-cell central cord. The leaves are oval lanceolate and pointed to almost circular and blunt, the leaf margins are whole to slightly serrated. The leaf cell network is prosenchymatic (elongated cells) in the middle of the leaf . Towards the tip of the leaf and at the base of the leaf, the cells are usually shorter, in the leaf wings they are usually expanded and square to rectangular. The simple or forked leaf veins can be quite short or reach almost to the tip of the leaf.

The mosses are autocratic (antheridia and archegonia are on different branches on the same plant) or dioecious . The oval to elongated spore capsule is inclined to horizontal and has a double peristome .

Systematics and types

The delimitation of the genus Hygrohypnum is controversial. It traditionally includes more than 30 species worldwide. According to the Frey / Fischer / Stech system, a number of species are separated out and placed in the genera Hygrohypnella (Scorpidiaceae family), Ochyraea (Hypnaceae) and Pseudohygrohypnum (Pylaisiaceae), so that only 11 species remain in Hygrohypnum .

The following list of the species occurring in Germany, Austria and Switzerland corresponds to the traditional generic scope ( hygrohypnum in the broader sense). The new names of the excluded species are given in brackets.


  • Ruprecht Düll , Barbara Düll-Wunder: Determine mosses easily and reliably. An illustrated excursion guide to the types of Germany and neighboring countries. Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2008, ISBN 978-3-494-01427-2 .
  • Wolfgang Frey, Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (= Syllabus of Plant Families. 3). 13th edition. Borntraeger, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-443-01063-8 .
  • Martin Nebel, Georg Philippi (ed.): The mosses of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 2: Special part, (Bryophytina II, Schistostegales to Hypnobryales). Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3530-2 .

Web links

Commons : Hygrohypnum  - collection of images, videos and audio files