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Beautiful Widertonmoos (Polytrichum formosum)

Beautiful Widertonmoos ( Polytrichum formosum )

without rank: Charophyta
without rank: Phragmoplastophyta
without rank: Streptophyta
Empire : Plants (Plantae)
Department : Moss (Bryophyta)
Subdivision : Bryophytina
Scientific name

The Bryophytina are a subdivision of the mosses (Bryophyta) and by far the most species-rich.


The representatives of the Bryophytina are extremely diverse. They range in size from very small to 80 cm. The protonema is usually filamentous, single-row, branched and short-lived; it is seldom thallous or long-lived. The moss plants (the gametophyte ) usually consist of rhizoids , an often branched stem axis, and leaflets. The latter are often called leaves, but are not homologous to the leaves of vascular plants . The shoot axis is often highly differentiated and has an epidermis, a cortex and a central cord in cross section. The latter contains hydroids (water-conducting cells) and in the Polytrichaceae also leptoids (assimilate- conducting cells).

The Bryophytina are monoecious ( monoecious ) or dioecious ( dioecious ) sexually separated.

The sporophyte usually has a seta of very different lengths. The capsule ( sporangium ) is usually differentiated into a neck, a theca and an operculum. The peristome comes in two types: in the nematodontic peristome the teeth consist of whole, dead cells, while in the arthrodontic peristome they consist of parts of cell walls. Nematodontic peristoma occurs in the Tetraphidopsida and Polytrichopsida , arthrodontic peristoma in the Bryopsida.


The Bryophytina are one of the three subdivisions of the moss. They are divided into five classes, with the first four being relatively poor in species, while the Bryopsida comprise around 98% of all mosses.

For a breakdown down to the family level, see the moss system .

supporting documents

  • Wolfgang Frey , Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (= Syllabus of Plant Families. 3). 13th edition. Borntraeger, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-443-01063-8 , pp. 130-137.