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The Blattla is a Bavarian card game for four people. It is a simplified version of the sheep's head . In contrast to the latter, however, with the Blattla the cards " Ober " and " Unter " are not permanent trumps . In order to learn the rules of the sheep head game, it can be an advantage to learn the rules of the Blattla first. The game is traditionally played with a Bavarian picture.

Goal of the game

The aim of the game, as with the sheep's head , is to achieve a certain number of points by pricking . Normally a game is considered won by the players' party with 61 points ( eyes ) and won with Schneider with 91 eyes ; if all eight tricks are taken, black wins . With 31 eyes, the Schneider party is free . For the non-player party, however, the game is in accordance with 60 points won with 90 eyes gained with Schneider , and with 30 eyes free tailor . Exceptions are the games announced as Tout , which are only considered won if all the tricks are taken; there is no tailor or black here.

for the player party Eyes player party Eyes non-player party for the non-player party
Black won all stitches done not made a stitch Black lost
won with Schneider 91-120 eyes 0-29 eyes lost with tailor
simply won 61–90 eyes 30-59 eyes just lost
just lost 31-60 eyes 60–89 eyes simply won
lost with tailor 0-30 eyes 90-120 eyes won with Schneider
Black lost not made a stitch all stitches done Black won

Type of game

A basic distinction is made between normal play and solo play. The normal game is also called the game of play. Constant trump suit is heart. A player who is able to achieve at least 61 eyes together with a playing partner calls the sow of a color that is not trump; for example: "I play with the bell-hoe!" The owner of the corresponding playing card is now the partner of the caller. When playing solo, the declarer must be able to achieve at least 61 points. The solo player plays against the other three players. A distinction must be made between the solo variants: heart solo, acorn solo, grass solo and bell solo. The trump suit is always determined by the soloist. Other solo variants such as the sheep's head (Wenz, Geier, Habicht, Color-Wenz, Color-Geier and Color-Habicht) do not exist in the Blattla. All solo games can also be played as a "tout", whereby the declarer announces that he intends to take all the tricks.

Course of the game

Card distribution

First, the dealer is determined by each player drawing a card from the deck. First dealer is the one who drew the highest card. The dealer shuffles the cards and lets the player to his right withdraw. When withdrawing at least three cards should be withdrawn or remain in place; Taking this rule into account, you can withdraw up to 3 times. Instead of taking off, you can also knock ; in this case the player making the cut may instruct the dealer to deal the cards differently than usual - for example, all eight instead of 2 times 4, counterclockwise , etc. In the following, the cards are dealt to each player eight cards in two throws of 4 cards each . The cards are dealt in clockwise order, starting with the player in forehand, i.e. the player to the left of the dealer. Then each player checks his hand, starting with forehand, each player declares whether he wants to play or not.

Game announcement

If someone declares that they are ready to play, they make it clear that they intend to achieve at least 61 eyes alone or with a partner. The closer a player sits to the dealer's left, the greater their prerogative to play. If the player in the forehand declares that he wants to play, he has the prerogative to dare a normal game. The players sitting further to the left, i.e. further back, can only announce a higher-value game, i.e. a solo game. The ranking of the games is as follows (starting with the highest value game): Heart Solo Tout> Acorn Solo Tout> Grass Solo Tout> Bell Solo Tout> Heart Solo> Acorn Solo> Grass Solo > Bell solo> normal game