Blue ants

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Chinese workers who wore the so-called Mao suit as largely uniform clothing during the time of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in 1965 were referred to as blue ants in the western world . This suit for men and women was introduced by Sun Yat-sen after the founding of the Republic of China , but only became known in the West because Mao and his wife Jiang Qing wore it. Peasants and workers wore indigo, soldiers of the People's Liberation Army wore khaki and party cadres wore gray. However, functionaries usually wore more valuable fabrics as the material for this uniform.

Single receipts

  1. "In the West they saw" blue ants "walking around in" Mao suits ". Like the red Mao Bible, the revolutionary chic had its followers abroad." (
  2. "Starting in 1965, the Chinese workers were given blue work suits by Mao Zedong as the leader of the Cultural Revolution. Because of their hard work, hard work and undemanding nature, the workers in China were dubbed“ Blue Ants ”. In addition to the uni form of the The high-necked collar, which then penetrated the international fashion world as the "Mao look", also had a special meaning here as a color: as a synonym for positive values ​​of work and service to the common good. " (
  3. ^ Tina Mai Chen: Mao Zedong and Sun Yatsen suits. In: Edward L. Davis (Ed.): Encyclopedia of contemporary Chinese culture. Routledge, London 2005, ISBN 0-415-24129-4 .