Blue cooking

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Blue carp, cooked in vinegar and onion stock

Blue cooking is a decorative preparation method for whole freshwater fish. Eel , carp , tench and trout in particular are cooked blue. The blue color that gives it its name is due to the mucous layer of the fish skin, which takes on a pale blue color when cooked.

For the preparation, the recently killed fish is gutted, but not scraped , and poached in only almost boiling salt water . Often a little vinegar and herbs are added to the water . The acid should be able to stabilize the blue color.

A common dish on menus is trout blue .

Individual evidence

  1. Blue cooking: fish: definition, product knowledge, food science. In: Retrieved February 19, 2017 .
  2. Erhard Gorys: The new kitchen dictionary. Munich 1994