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East Frisian Bohntjesopp

With Sinbohntjesopp (also Sienbohnsupp , Bohntjesopp or Kinnertön ) is in East Friesland a typical regional liquor referred to. Outside the region, the specialty of East Frisian cuisine is also known as the Frisian bean soup . In addition, the Sinbohntjesopp (Low German literally translated raisin soup ) is also known as Branntwien mit Rosienen ( Low German 'brandy with raisins' or 'raisins in brandy') or as raisin brandy .

The components of Sinbohntjesopp are raisins , sugar syrup from Kluntje and Ostfreeske Brannwien (a flavored brandy similar to brandy ). These ingredients are put in a sealable, traditionally earthen vessel for several weeks . As with many regional recipes, there is no uniform method of preparation in this case, but the result is always raisins that have soaked themselves in a sugar-brandy solution and are consumed together with it. The Sinbohntjesopp is traditionally drunk from miniature tea cups , the Brannwienskopjes (Low German for brandy glasses ); the raisins are eaten with the enclosed teaspoon.

According to East Frisian custom , the Sinbohntjesopp is set on the occasion of the impending birth of a child. Friends and neighbors toast the birth of the child with this Kinnertön (Low German for children's toe ). The expression "Kinnertön" is derived from the Low German term for "children's toe", as the pickled raisins look like little children's toes.

See also


  • Eating and drinking (ed.): Unforgotten recipes - The most beautiful recipes from the German landscapes . Gruner + Jahr, Hamburg 1979
  • Christa Spitzer, Eva Friedewald: Grandmother's Frisian country kitchen: 98 traditional recipes rediscovered . Neuer Umschau Verlag, Neustadt adW 2005, ISBN 3865282326 .
  • Hinrich Schoolmann: From the past of the Remels parish. According to historical sources and archive papers . In: local history and local history . 1928, No. 6, 7 and 8th.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wiard Lüpkes: Ostfriesische Volkskunde . Unchanged reprint of the 2nd, revised and expanded edition Emden 1925. Schuster, Leer 1972, ISBN 3-7963-0030-8 , p. 93 (in fracture).
  2. ^ East Frisian landscape : Low German-High German dictionary for East Frisia >>  Raisin brandy. In: Retrieved May 30, 2018 .