Boletim Official

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Boletim Official , fully Boletim official do Governo Geral da Provincia de Moçambique , is the title for the former official proclamation organ ( Official Gazette ) of the Portuguese colonial administration of Mozambique . The Boletim Official appeared periodically on a weekly basis between 1854 and 1975. It was printed and published in Lourenço Marques by the Imprensa Nacional de Moçambique . The title of the official gazette varied, depending on whether the colonial territory was designated as " overseas province " ( Província ultramarina ) or as " colony ". The government announcement organ that has appeared since Mozambique's independence in 1975 is called Boletim da República .

The official gazette was used by the former colonial government to disseminate official information such as laws affecting the colony and the entire Portuguese territory, news about the government itself, details of land concessions, and monthly information on arrests and hospital admissions. It also contains regulations relating to the recruitment of migrant workers for the South African mining industry.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. PORBASE - Base Nacional de Dados Bibliográficos: bibliographic evidence . on (Portuguese)
  2. ^ A b University of Johannesburg : Boletim Official of Mozambique . on (English)
  3. Example . on (Portuguese)
  4. Republic of Mozambique: boletins da República . on (Portuguese)