Bonuses pastoris

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Boni pastoris is an Apostolic Letter ( Motu Proprio ) dated February 22, 1959 and was written by Pope John XXIII. released. In this letter he regulates the composition and working basis for the "Pontifical Commission for Film , Radio and Television ".

starting point

The basis of these new regulations is the encyclical Miranda prorsus , with which Pope Pius XII. had suggested setting up this commission . So John XXIII. firmly:

“We decide and determine: the Pontifical Commission for Film, Radio and Television is a permanent body, as the Office of the Holy See, with the mandate of examining the various questions relating to film, radio and television, through its support to promote and guide in accordance with the instructions and guidelines given in the encyclical Miranda prorsus and in accordance with the other decrees of the Holy See to be published in the future. "

Further development

The area of ​​competence of the commission was by Pope Paul VI. In 1964 it was expanded to include daily newspapers and magazines and the name was changed to “Pontifical Commission for Social Communication”. In 1988, the reform of the Curia, initiated by Pope John Paul II , led to another renaming to the “Pontifical Council for Social Communications”.

Individual evidence

  1. ( Memento of February 17, 2008 in the Internet Archive )

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