Boris Korczak

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Boris Sielicki-Korczak (born February 11, 1939 in Vilnius , then Poland ) is a former Polish-American spy .

After the Second World War, Korczak was sentenced as a youth to prison for subversive activities in the People's Republic of Poland . In 1964 he fled to Denmark , where he was recognized as a political refugee and received asylum .

From 1973 he worked in Copenhagen as an agent for the CIA . He managed to infiltrate into the KGB as a double agent , where he achieved the rank of major . He was betrayed in 1979 and in 1981 he was murdered with ricin in the USA . His plan to pursue a monetary claim against the CIA failed in 1996.


  • Christophe Dolbeau: Face au bolchevisme: petit dictionnaire des résistances nationales à l'Est de l'Europe (1917–1989). Arctic, Paris 2006, p. 164.

Web links

Wikisource: Bill of January 28, 1998  - sources and full texts (English)