Bosberg (Flanders)

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The Bosberg ( 105  m ) is an elevation in a wooded area in the Belgian municipality of Geraardsbergen in the Flemish Ardennes . This mountain gained fame through the Tour of Flanders , where this - not excessively steep and long - incline was the last obstacle before the destination for a long time. Correspondingly, good drivers made their decisive attack there, such as the Belgian Edwig van Hooydonck (twice winner of the Tour of Flanders), who was nicknamed "Edwig van Bosberg" for this reason. Due to the changes in the route in recent years, the Oude Kwaremont and the Paterberg are now the last two climbs before the finish.

The road surface of the Bosberg consists partly of asphalt, partly of the cobblestone pavement typical of Flanders ("cash desks"), which causes a high risk of falling in wet weather. The maximum gradient is 11%. Coordinates: 50 ° 46 '  N , 3 ° 56'  E