Bosseln (rehab sport)

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Target field with bossels and staves

Bosseln is a non-Paralympic sport for disabled and rehabilitation sports. It is listed as a national game by the German Disabled Sports Association - National Paralympic Committee Germany. National and German championships are held annually.

Its structure and rules are similar to stick shooting . The wooden push sticks are called Bosseln . The game is played exclusively in gyms . Bosseln has nothing in common with the sport of Boßeln, despite the similar spelling.


The playing field includes a 12 m (for women 10 m) long throwing track and an adjoining 4 m long target area. Two teams with three players each play against each other, each team has an additional team captain. So-called mixed teams (two women and two men, with only three active per game) are permitted and are integrated into the men's team in competitions. Each player on a team has one throw per round.

By alternating throws, the attempt is now made to bring the Bosseln close to the stave . You can remove opposing bosses from the target field with the throw or change the position of the stave itself (as in the game of boules ).


All bosses in the target area receive throwing points. The Bossel closest to the stave receives two points, all others one each. The team that has scored the most points after six rounds wins.

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