Botanical Centralblatt

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Botanical Centralblatt. Referring body for the whole area of ​​botany
Bot. Centralbl.
Botanisches Zentralblatt;  referring organ for the entire field of botany (1887) (20377014746) .jpg
description Scientific journal
language German
publishing company from 1906 Gustav Fischer Verlag , Jena ( Germany )
First edition 1880
attitude 1945 as Botanisches Zentralblatt
ZDB 2453338-5

The Botanische Centralblatt was a scientific journal that published articles from all areas of biology .


The publisher was the German Botanical Society . At times the journal was published jointly by the Botanical Association of Munich, the Society for Botany in Hamburg, the Association Internationale des Botanistes and Botaniska Sällskapet i Stockholm. In addition to the magazine, supplements appeared in scientific series.

For many years the magazine's editor was Oscar Uhlworm (1849–1929). Other editors and editors of the supplements included Friedrich Georg Kohl, Hans Schinz , WJ Behrens, Johannes Paulus Lotsy , Siegfried Veit Simon, Adolf Pascher and, finally, Friedrich Herrig.

Place of publication and publisher were 1880–1888 Cassel: Fischer, 1888–1901 Cassel: Gotthelft, 1902–1905 Leiden: Brill and from 1906 Jena: Fischer .

The magazine appeared in 179 issues between 1880 and 1945. The spelling of the title was modernized in 1938 with issue 174 and changed to Botanisches Zentralblatt . The magazine was discontinued with the number 179 at the end of the war in 1945.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oscar Uhlworm , at DNB