Oscar Uhlworm

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Friedrich Heinrich Oscar Uhlworm , modernized Oskar Uhlworm , (born August 4, 1849 in Arnstadt , † 1929 there ) was a German librarian and botanist . From 1880 he was the founder and editor of the journal Botanisches Centralblatt . Uhlworm also founded the Bibliotheca botanica in 1884 .


Oscar studied natural sciences and in 1874 became first assistant and then in 1880 curator of the library of the University of Leipzig . In the following year he moved to the Murhard Library in Kassel as a city librarian . In 1901 he followed the call to the Royal Prussian State Library in Berlin, where he was appointed senior librarian. He took up his residence at Schaperstraße 2-3 in Berlin W. 50. The following year he was awarded the title of professor. At the same time he was appointed head of the German Bureau of International Bibliography.

For his services to the library system, he was appointed to the Privy Council in 1912, before he retired in 1915 and retired in Arnstadt, where he devoted himself to his botanical studies. In 1920, while still alive, he had a large part of his library auctioned off to the public at Oswald Weigel in Leipzig .

Works (selection)

  • Arnstadt in the High Middle Ages with an excursion to the ruins of the Alteburg. Reprint from: Program of the Princely High School in Arnstadt from April 2, 1873 , Arnstadt, 1997.

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