Boxhole crater

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Coordinates: 22 ° 36 ′ 46.2 ″  S , 135 ° 11 ′ 43.2 ″  E

Relief Map: Northern Territory
Boxhole crater
Northern Territory
Boxhole crater

The Boxhole crater is a geologically young impact crater in the Northern Territory in Australia , which lies about 300 kilometers from Alice Springs to the northeast.

Its diameter is 170 meters. The age of the crater is estimated at 52,000 to 56,000 years, so the impact event is near the end of the Pleistocene . The asymmetrical ejecta cover extends over 300 m in the south and indicates a flight path of the meteorite from north to south. In addition, the entry angle must have been very flat.

Fragments of the meteorite were found in the area and show that the crater was formed by the impact of an iron meteorite .

The rim of the crater rises about 3 to 5 meters above the surrounding landscape. The crater is about 9 meters deep. No trees grow in the crater except for a single eucalyptus tree. Occasional small, bushy trees grow on the inner rim of the crater. The Boxhole Crater rises clearly above the surrounding landscape.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul W. Hodges, Frances W. Wright: Particles around Boxhole Meteorite Crater (PDF), August 22, 1971. Edited by the Smithsonian Institute . Retrieved October 18, 2017