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Brahmavaivartapurana ( Sanskrit ब्रह्मवैवर्तपुराण, brahmavaivartapurāṇa n ) is one of the latest of 18 Puranas . The focus is on Krishna and stories about his love affair with the Gopis and especially Radha .


Brahma-vaivarta means "the conversion of Brahman ", the latter being equated here with Krishna. One of the main themes is the creation of the universe, which takes place as transformation, i.e. H. physical manifestation, is thought. Further topics are a mythical primordial matter, a section on medicine and a report on Krishna and his love affairs with the Gopis, especially Radha.

Radha is not yet mentioned by name in the Bhagavatapurana , but it plays an important role in the Brahmavaivartapurana, which can be dated a few centuries later. While Krishna represents the soul of the world, Radha symbolizes its body, and both are essential for creation. Through their incarnation, they bring down the heavenly world of Vrindavan on earth, as it were.


Edition of the Brahmavaivarta Purāṇa by Vasudeva Śāstrī (Poona n.d.). Translated by Rajendra Nath Sen as vol. 14 of the Sacred Books of the Hindus (Allahabad 1920–1922, reprinted 1974)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Monier Williams Online Sanskrit Dictionary, p. 740
  2. Klaus Mylius, History of Old Indian Literature , Munich 1988, p. 142
  3. ^ History of ancient Indian literature , p. 139
  4. Wilfried Huchzermeyer, The Holy Scriptures of India - History of Sanskrit Literature , Karlsruhe 2014, pp. 60–61