Bravo (Belgian magazine)

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Bravo is a Franco-Belgian comic magazine published between 1936 and 1951 .


The publisher Jan Meeuwissen started a Dutch edition in 1936. The French version was created in 1940. Among other things, Flash Gordon was published from the USA . Key employees included Jacques Laudy , Edgar P. Jacobs , Jacques Martin and Albert Uderzo .


The magazine appeared weekly between 8 and 20 pages and was sold from 1950 to 1951 as a youth supplement to the Belgian women's magazine Femmes d'aujourd'hui.

Series (selection)

  • The U-rays (1943–1944)
  • Bimelabom et Chibiche (1944–1946)
  • Gust le flibustier (1946–1948)
  • Oeil de Perdrix (1947–1950)
  • Tom Colby (1948)
  • Capitaine Marvel Jr. (1950)

Web links