Letterhead affair

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The misconduct of the then German Minister of Economics and Vice Chancellor Jürgen Möllemann ( FDP ) at the turn of the year 1992/93 is described as a letterhead affair . With the official letterhead of the Federal Ministry of Economics, Möllemann recommended a plastic chip to several German retail chains , which should be used as a deposit coin for shopping carts . This chip was sold by the company of a cousin Möllemann by marriage .

After this abuse of the ministerial office became known, the media and parties put strong public pressure on Möllemann. After delayed and insufficient denials, the politician finally admitted the allegations and resigned on January 3, 1993 with immediate effect from both the post of Minister for Economic Affairs and that of the Vice Chancellor.

His successors in the Kohl cabinet were Günter Rexrodt (as Minister of Economic Affairs) and Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel (as Vice Chancellor).

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