Brouillon card

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The Brouillonkarte is a special type of map , in the course of procedures for the separation has been applied from the beginning of the 19th century by order of the General Commission so appointed and the country's cultural office. It is also known as the original or separation card (French: brouillon = first draft, concept).

In addition to the Brouillon cards, the General Commission or the State Cultural Office usually had to make two copies of the same, the so-called I. and II. Reinkarten. The I. Reinkarte was a detailed copy of the Brouillonkarte and was mostly attached to the separation recess. On the other hand, only the condition after the separation was shown on the second Reinkarte. A copy of this II. Clean map was usually handed over to the responsible land registry office as a district clean map and continued there.

Brouillonkarten usually contain numerous place names that are not used today in some more.