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Browoz was a measure in Königsberg and corresponded to the load . The measure was intended for salt from Spain and France .

  • 1 Browoz = 18 tons of loose salt (ship size )
  • 1 Browoz = 16 tons of packaged salt (from storage)

The usual load in this region was 12 tons and was intended for goods such as ash , pitch , tar , cod , herring , meat , honey , mead and beer . The load was also 60 quintals by 100 pounds .


  • Leopold Carl Bleibtreu : Handbook of coin, measure and weight and the exchange-state paper-banking and stock system of European and non-European countries and cities. J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart 1861, p. 192.
  • August Schiebe : Universal Lexicon of Commercial Sciences. Volume 2, Friedrich Fleischer and the Schumann brothers, Leipzig / Zwickau 1838, p. 193.