Bucher Emhart Glass

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Bucher Emhart Glass

legal form Corporation
founding 1912
Seat Steinhausen , Switzerland
management Martin Jetter
( Head of Division )
Philip Mosimann
( Chairman of the Board of Directors )
Number of employees 1,064 (December 31, 2008)
sales approx. CHF 300 million (2014)
Branch Machine industry
Website www.bucheremhartglass.com

The Bucher Emhart Glass , based in Steinhausen is an international Swiss manufacturer of glass forming and testing machines as well as components and spare parts for the glass container industry . The company has a total of 15 locations in 11 countries in Europe, North America and Asia and, in 2014, generated sales of around 300 million Swiss francs with around 1,060 employees. Bucher Emhart Glass has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bucher Industries since 1998 .


The company was founded in Hartfort , United States in 1912 under the name Hartford-Fairmont Company . Its co-founders had been working on the development of machines for the production and processing of glass containers since 1902. In 1922, the Hartford Empire was formed from a company merger . Two years later, Henry W. Ingle and Charles Goodwin Smith completed their first glass blowing machine and a corresponding process, which they patented. The first so-called IS machine , consisting of four sections, went into operation in 1927. In the decades that followed, the technology was continuously developed.

In 1951, the company was renamed Emhart Manufacturing Company and later Emhart Glass . In the following year Emhart Glass expanded to Europe, initially with the takeover of the Swedish machine manufacturer Aktiebolaget Sundsvalls Verkstader . The location in Sweden developed into the most important production location for IS machines. Additional locations were opened in Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan and Singapore.

After Emhart Glass had developed the first electronic control system in the 1970s, the first inspection machine for container glass followed in 1980. In 1988 the company decided to move its headquarters to Zurich, Switzerland . In April 1989, Emhart Glass was taken over by Black & Decker . In 1998 another change of ownership followed with the takeover by Bucher Industries and the relocation to the canton of Zug . Since then, Emhart Glass has formed an independent division within the Bucher Group called Bucher Emhart Glass.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Annual report 2008 of Bucher Industries AG ( Memento of the original dated October 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bucherind.com