Federal working group for criminal assistance

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The Federal Working Group for Criminal Aid (BAG-S) eV is a non-profit professional organization that wants to improve and expand the assistance for people who have committed criminal offenses. It generally represents the interests of helping offenders in Germany.

Foundation, member associations and board

The association was founded in 1990 and is based in Bonn. Several welfare associations (Federal Association of Workers' Welfare , German Caritas Association , German Red Cross , Diakonie Deutschland, Der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband , Central Welfare Agency for Jews in Germany ) as well as the Association for Social Work, Criminal Law and Criminal Policy (DBH) e. V. have come together in it. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs .

The board consists of full-time or honorary persons, who are sent by the member associations and elected by the delegates in the general assembly. The chairmanship is usually given by another member association every two years. Daniel Wolter from the Association for Social Work, Criminal Law and Criminal Policy, Managing Director Klaus Roggenthin, has been the chairman since January 1, 2019.


The BAG-S is mainly financed by the support of the federal government , the contributions of the member associations, the proceeds to be achieved by the office from publications and donations.

Goals and ways

The association wants to raise public awareness in favor of the integration and rehabilitation of those who have committed criminal offenses. He informs the responsible authorities and the mass media through publications (such as an information service, an adult and a youth brochure) as well as through press, radio, television and Internet reports on the topic. He also conducts press conferences, forums and conferences on current problems. He is also involved in social and criminal policy in order to do something against the exclusion and discrimination of prisoners. To this end, statements and reform proposals are developed in cooperation with other associations. The Criminal Assistance Information Service appears three times a year with an edition of 1,300 copies ; it is printed in the JVA Geldern.


One of the most important tasks of the association is to improve the remuneration of the prisoners' work performance as well as the content of the work and the educational opportunities, to increase the later labor market opportunities, to alleviate the situation of the families concerned and to ensure that prisoners are better under social security law in the future be secured. This is to be done primarily by including them in the pension insurance in accordance with the enforcement goals formulated in Section 3 of the Prison Act . In May 2011, the BAG-S was one of the first to sign a petition to the German Bundestag calling for pension insurance protection for prisoners. On 17./18. In June 2015, the Justice Ministers' Conference on this topic decided to instruct the Prison Committee of the Länder to examine the principles and effects of including prisoners in the pension insurance and to present the result to the Ministerial Conference. On June 7, 2018, the Justice Ministers' Conference declared it "basically makes sense" to include prisoners and persons in preventive detention in the pension insurance, following an initiative by the State of Berlin.

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.dbh-online.de/fachverband/mitarbeiter/daniel-wolter
  2. bag-s.de: office
  3. Archive link ( Memento from December 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Spring conference on June 17 and 18, 2015 in Stuttgart - Item II.13 Inclusion of prisoners and those in safe custody in the statutory pension insurance. Retrieved August 3, 2020 .
  5. ^ Opinion of the BAG-S e. V. for an appropriate increase in the remuneration of working prisoners. In: Information service criminal assistance, issue 2/2018, p. 11.

Web links