Federal Wood Economy Council

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The Federal Wood Management Council, renamed and reorganized as proHolz Austria on January 1, 2000 , was an Austrian interest group for the forestry and wood industry that had existed since 1949.


The predecessor organization of the Federal Wood Industry Council was the Austrian Federal Wood Industry Council, founded in 1933, one of the economic organizations of the established corporate state . The re-establishment took place in February 1949. The organization initially functioned primarily as a meeting place between the large forest companies, many of which are still owned by former noble families, and their customers. By 1951, for example, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and the Federal Wood Economy Council had developed a completely new edition of the Austrian Timber Trade Usages, based on the then prevailing custom in the timber trade. The Federal Wood Industry Council has also emerged as the publisher of relevant specialist publications. It was submitted equally by the Federal Chamber of Commerce and the President's Conference of the Chambers of Agriculture. Today, the focus of proHolz Austria and its national organizations is on the advertising of wood as a building material. Only organizations of the WKÖ are active as full members, the Association of the Wood Industry is in charge.
