Federal Association of German Showmen and Market Traders

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Federal Association of German Showmen and Market Traders
legal form registered association
Seat Berlin
founding 1952

place Berlin
president Hans-Peter Arens (†)
executive Director Werner Hammerschmidt
Website www.BSMev.de

The Federal Association of German Showmen and Market Merchants is a German interest group for market merchants, showmen and circuses . The umbrella organization is represented nationwide with state associations, regional associations and circuses. According to its own account, it is [quote] "the largest German interest group for market merchants, showmen and circuses".


Up until the beginning of 1936, the travel industry was represented by several professional organizations operating across Germany. On April 1, 1936, the compulsory merger took place in the "Business Group Outpatient Business ". After the end of the war, this was dissolved and regional associations were initially formed, which then founded the Main Association of the Outpatient Trade and Showmen in Germany eV (HAGD) in 1952 in order to bundle the interests of the travel traders in one hand. In 1993 the HAGD was renamed the "Federal Association of German Showmen and Market Merchants eV" (BSM). The legal seat of the BSM is Berlin , the administrative seat Bonn .


  • 1952–1953 Bernhard Petermann, Solingen
  • 1953–1975 Peter Biermann, Gelsenkirchen
  • 1975–1984 Josef Schippers, Hamburg
  • 1984–2003 Walter Weitmann , Stuttgart
  • 2003–2017 Hans-Peter Arens , Dortmund
  • 2017 Patrick Arens, Dortmund
  • 2018 Wilfried Thal
  • 2019–2019 Hans-Peter Arens, Dortmund
  • vacant

organization structure

Only clubs and associations can become full members, there are exceptions to this for circuses. The organs of the federal association are the presidium, the entire board, the federal association day and the assembly of delegates. In addition, departments and committees are formed. The BSM is divided into the following specialist areas: showmen and circuses , general market trade , weekly market trade and advertising sales .

The chairpersons and the federal advisers of the departments are committee members by virtue of their office. The committee has the task of advising the organs of the federal association on all questions that are commercially and legally important for the exercise of the showman, travel, trade and market trades. The Trade, Legal and European Committee consists of members of the regional associations as well as other knowledgeable and competent persons who are appointed to committee members at the suggestion of the chairman of the regional associations.


  • Support of the member associations
  • Information about new legal developments in the departments
  • Advice on commercial legal issues
  • Promotion of the members in their professional development
  • Political representation of the travel industry on all political levels
  • Statements on all EU, federal and state bills affecting the travel industry
  • Constant contact with the decision-makers in politics and administration in order to allow the BSM's demands to flow into opinion-forming and decision-making

public relation

  • Promotion of the reputation of the profession in public
  • Regular reports on the activities of the BSM and factual information in the official organ of the association "Der Komet" as a national journal for the travel trade
  • Contact for the media for research on technical issues and the placement of suitable experts as interview partners and experts
  • Organization of press conferences

Membership of the BSM in other associations

Web links
