Federal Association of German Writers and Doctors

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The Federal Association of German Writer Doctors eV ( BDSÄ ) is the largest association of writer doctors in German-speaking countries . The association was formed in 1969 from the merger of the Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Bavarian regional groups of writers 'doctors and is a member of the global umbrella association of all writers' doctors . Its members meet regularly in annual meetings.

The office and archive of the Federal Association of German Writers-Doctors is located in the advanced training academy of the State Medical Association of Hesse in Bad Nauheim .


  • Federal Association of German Writers and Doctors eV (Ed.): The world so big and wide. Anthology. Haag and Herchen, Frankfurt am Main 1996, ISBN 3-86137-443-9 .


See also

Web links


  1. ^ A b Annual Congress: Doctors as Writers. In: Westfalium: Gutes Leben in Westfalen , April 14, 2013.