Federal Association of Vocational Training Institutions (Bildungsverband)

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Federal Association of Vocational Training Institutions (Bildungsverband) e. V.
purpose Communication between education companies and politics
Chair: Thiemo Fojkar
Establishment date: 2002
Number of members: 88 Educational Program Providers
Seat : Berlin
Website: bildungsverband.info

The Federal Association of Vocational Training Institutions (Bildungsverband) e. V. - in short: BBB - is an association of leading providers of educational programs in Germany. Every year, thousands of employees in its member companies and associations support people in improving their professional opportunities through quality-tested professional training and further education . In May 2017, the education association turned 15 years old.


  1. The aim of the education association is to formulate the common interests of the educational institutions and to give them validity.
  2. In particular, the efforts of the members in corporate, educational and social policy matters should be promoted and coordinated through information and advice.
  3. In addition, members of the education association have formed a separate special purpose group that develops labor and collective bargaining regulations in order to enforce them. It is the employers' association of the training and further education industry according to the second (basic security) and third book of the social security code (employment promotion)


The Federal Association of Vocational Education Institutions was founded on May 17th, 2002 in Hamburg. The founding of the association was the logical further development of a cooperation that began in the nineties as the »Working Group for Supraregional Educational Institutions«. In its regular meetings, important issues affecting all institutions were discussed. With the founding of the federal association, the member organizations expect even closer cooperation and a stronger representation of the interests of those involved in vocational training.

In 2007 the education association initiated and carried out the “German Further Education Day” together with the DVV in order to draw attention nationwide to the importance of further education. Since then, a large number of organizers have joined this nationwide day of action regularly every two years.

Quality association for professional development

The education association has developed the quality standard BQM in the form of a catalog of requirements for further education. It is an implementation aid for the development of a quality management system for educational institutions. It translates the requirements for educational institutions formulated in the AZWV and makes them applicable. »BQM« stands for »Education Quality Management« in the narrower sense.

BQM is now a recognized quality standard for educational service providers. The now 88 members of the education association undertake by statute to comply with the BBB quality principles of their association.

Association of the educational association BBB

The majority of the members of the education association have also joined the special purpose group of the Federal Association of Vocational Education Institutions (Bildungsverband) e. V., an employment law association. The Zweckgemeinschaft is the employers' association in the training and further education sector, conducts collective bargaining with the GEW and ver.di unions and concludes the respective current minimum wage contracts. “It is politically and ideologically independent. It recognizes the applicable legal system, in particular the collective bargaining, arbitration and industrial action law ”(statute of the association of special purpose of the Federal Association of Vocational Training Institutions).

Industry collective agreement

The aim of the community of convenience and also of the educational association is to conclude a branch collective agreement, which is then recognized according to the collective bargaining act and declared to be generally binding. The current minimum wage agreement is valid until December 31, 2017, the new one negotiated in May is valid from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. The joint-venture elects its own board of directors. Its current chairman is Wolfgang Gelhard from Kolping-Bildungswerk Paderborn gGmbH.

Memberships of the BBB

The Education Association gives its expertise at public hearings in Bundestag committees and, through its press work, statements and positions 1), 2), influences developments in the labor market and education policy and helps shape the educational landscape in Germany and Europe. The education association is a member of the following national and European organizations:


The Federal Association of Vocational Training Institutions (Bildungsverband) e. V. is the publisher of the BBB Info-Letters. The information brochure for partners and members of the Bildungsverband e. V. usually appears six times a year and provides information on current association events. Interested parties can read the newsletter as a PDF file or as online news.

In addition, the education association is co-publisher of the quality standard for educational institutions-BQM developed with the TÜV Rheinland Group.

4th revised edition. Cologne 2016, ISBN 978-3-7406-0032-7 .

Projects and Actions

  1. The Bildungsverband e. V. (BBB) ​​organizes symposiums, conferences, themed evenings and other events dedicated to current issues in education and labor market policy.
  2. German Training Day : The BBB is the initiator of the German Training Day, which has been taking place since 2007. The aim of the event, which takes place every two years, is to promote further education nationwide and to make it the focus of politics and the public.


On May 12, 2017 in Hamburg, the general assembly elected the new board of the Federal Association of Vocational Education Institutions (Bildungsverband) e. V., who is in office for two years.

Chairman Thiemo Fojkar, IB - International Federation
Deputy Chairman Achim Albrecht, Grone School Foundation
Members Dina Bösch, DAA Academy; Sigrid Baumann-Tornow, IBB Institute for Vocational Education ; Jörg Becks, TÜV Nord Education; Markus Dohm, TÜV Rheinland Academy & Life Care; Wolfgang Gehlhard, Kolping Bildungswerk ; Dirk Jedan, Kreishandwerkerschaft Märkischer Kreis; Reinhold Petermann, bfw - company for education; Dietrich H. Ponath, Tertia group; Hans Wolf Freiherr von Schleinitz, CJD

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