Burchard IV in Hassegau

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Burchard IV. († July 13, 982, died near Crotone ) was Count in Hasse and Liesgau .

His ancestry is controversial. It is unlikely that he was a son of Duke Burchard III. was from Swabia, since his only attested marriage to Hadwig remained childless and Emperor Otto II gave the Duchy of Swabia to his nephew, the Liudolfinger Otto I of Swabia , after Burchard's death in 973 . Had there been a legitimate descendant of Burchard III. given, Emperor Otto II could hardly have passed this over to the ducal succession. Possibly Burchard was a son of Count Dedi I in Hassegau .

Burchard is notarized in 950 when he fought a duel in Worms for the benefit of an Ottonen princess, and in 968 when he made a donation to Corvey Abbey . When Emperor Otto II called additional Panzerreiter from Germany to Italy in 981 , Burchard and his brother Dedi followed this call. Both fell on July 13, 982 in the Battle of Cotrone against the Saracens . A possible second brother of his was Dietrich I. ( Thiedrico ) , the progenitor of the Wettins .

Marriage and children

Burchard's marriage to Emme von Merseburg had three children:

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