Betzenweiler Castle

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Betzenweilwer Castle
Castle type : unknown
Conservation status: departed
Standing position : Nobles
Place: Betzenweiler

The castle Betzweiler is an Outbound Castle 4.5km southeast of Uttenweiler . Schlosshöfe called by the church in the community Betzweiler in the district of Biberach in Baden-Württemberg .

Nothing has survived from the castle complex, which cannot be precisely located and which is said to have belonged to the von Hornstein and von Speth family.


  • Stefan Uhl: Castles, palaces and aristocratic residences in the Biberach district. (= Local history sheets for the Biberach district. Vol. 9, special issue 1, ISSN  1430-9475 ). Biberacher Verlagsdruckerei, Biberach an der Riß 1986, pp. 5-67.