Gomadingen Castle

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Gomadingen Castle
Creation time : 1100 to 1150
Castle type : Höhenburg, location
Conservation status: Burgstall
Standing position : Nobles
Place: Gomadingen
Geographical location 48 ° 23 '35.9 "  N , 9 ° 22' 46"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 23 '35.9 "  N , 9 ° 22' 46"  E
Gomadingen Castle (Baden-Württemberg)
Gomadingen Castle

The castle Gomadingen is a Outbound hilltop castle on the castle rock in the municipality Gomadingen in the district of Reutlingen in Baden-Württemberg .

The castle was built in the first half of the 12th century by the lords of Gomadingen, in 1200 the castle was mentioned with a family "de Gumedingen" and is believed to have fallen into disrepair after 1265.

Only traces of the terrain remain from the former small castle complex and today there is a private house on the castle site .


  • Günter Schmitt : Castle Guide Swabian Alb. Volume 4 • Alb Middle-North. Hiking and discovering between Aichelberg and Reutlingen . Biberacher Verlagsdruckerei, Biberach an der Riß 1991, ISBN 3-924489-58-0 , p. 274.

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