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Burorina is the name of a goddess that has only survived in an inscription on a consecration stone from Domburg on the Dutch island of Walcheren from the 2nd to 3rd centuries.

"Deae Burorine quod votum fecit laetus pro et suis"

- CIL 13, 8775

Gutenbrunner sees with a helmet (see also Simek) a possible Celtic naming and origin and compares it with the nickname Medurinis of the Celtic god Toutates of the inscription CIL 6, 31182. The function and meaning of the goddess is unknown.


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  1. CIL 13, 8775
  2. ^ Siegfried Gutenbrunner: The Germanic god names of the ancient inscriptions . Niemeyer, Halle / S. 1936. p. 108
  3. ^ Karl Helm: Old Germanic history of religion . Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg 1913, p. 389
  4. ^ Rudolf Simek: Lexicon of Germanic Mythology (= Kröner's pocket edition. Volume 368). 3rd, completely revised edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-520-36803-X , p.
  5. CIL 6, 31182