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Busuck , also Bjusöck or Bjusock , was a unit of mass ( measure of weight) on Borneo . The measure was used for gold , silver , diamonds and other valuable goods. The measure was considered to fluctuate between 0.25 and 0.32 grams and also among the places Banjarmasin and Succadana.

  • 1 Busuck = 1/128 throat / tail = 0.3107 grams
  • 8 Busuck = 4 Copang = 1 Mace = 2.4855 grams


  • Johann H. Bock: JC Nelkenbrecher's general pocket book of coin, measure and weight for bankers and merchants. Sandersche Buchhandlung, Berlin 1832, p. 96.
  • Gilbert-Urbain Guillaumin: Dictionnaire universel théorique et pratique du commerce et de la navigation. Volume 1, Verlag Guillaumin, Paris 1859, p. 370.