Butzker Moor

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The Butzker Moor is a wetland and an important archaeological site in Pomerania , about 3 kilometers north-north-west of the village of Buczek (German Butzke ). Today it is in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland .

There, German archaeologists recovered over 1800 pearls , mainly made of amber , a little made of glass or antique faience , also unprocessed amber, some metal objects, many pottery shards and flint in the moor by German archaeologists as early as 1880 and especially in 1886 and 1888 . The metal objects were exclusively jewelry , including six imperial fibulae and three denarii from the 2nd century. The site was also called "Butzke's amber factory". In addition to the pearls, two eyelet pendants, two finger rings, a ring with ends placed one on top of the other, a capsule pendant, a wave bracelet, a spindle whorl , bronze rings , bronze fittings and an amber ring were found. A piece of amber with an engraved ram's head was also found . No bones were found.

Today the find is interpreted as a sanctuary of a settlement chamber in which various offerings have been sunk in various places in the moor over a long period of time .


  • Heinrich Beck (Ed.): Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. 2nd Edition. Volume 4. De Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1981, ISBN 3110065134 , pp. 290-292. Electronic document at Google Booksearch
  • Jan Bemmann, Güde Hahne: Ancient Iron Age sanctuaries in northern Europe according to the archaeological sources. In: Germanic Religious History. Sources and source problems. Supplementary volumes to the Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Vol. 5. Berlin 1992. pp. 29-69.
  • Wolf – Rüdiger Teegen: Studies on the imperial spring horse find from Bad Pyrmont. Berlin 1999. Chap. 8.7.9.

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Coordinates: 54 ° 3 ′ 43.9 ″  N , 16 ° 5 ′ 21.5 ″  E