Buyeo languages

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The Buyeo languages represent a hypothetical family of languages that combines the languages ​​of the ancient empires of Goguryeo , Buyeo and Baekje of the Korean peninsula into a single unit. This grouping is mainly based on Chinese sources that describe these languages ​​as very similar - since this similarity can only be proven fragmentarily, however, it is difficult to prove the existence of this language family.

The hypothesis is so interesting because all these languages ​​have certain similarities with Old Japanese , which is why some researchers speak of a Japanese-Goguryeo language family. This would indirectly call into question the existence of the also hypothetical Altaic language family , as the Buyeo languages ​​are explicitly differentiated from the language of the Silla empire and thus from Old Korean .

Individual references and sources

  1. ^ LINGUIST List 19.2334 - Review: Historical Linguistics: Beckwith (2007)