Cabale des Importants

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Cabale des Importants (German: Dispute of the Important ) was a political conspiracy in France that took place between May and September 1643.

It was organized by François de Bourbon-Vendôme, duc de Beaufort and Marie de Rohan-Montbazon, duchesse de Chevreuse . King Louis XIII had died a few days earlier, his son and successor Louis XIV was under the reign of his mother Anna of Austria , who was supported by a number of nobles, including

The group wanted to overthrow Richelieu's supporters , especially the Condé , while at the same time regaining their lost privileges: in fact, the cardinal, for example , forced César de Bourbon , François' father, to give up his property in Brittany in 1630.

The conspiracy aimed on the one hand to separate the regent Anna of Austria from her new prime minister, Jules Mazarin , who was viewed by the nobility as an opponent, and on the other hand to a separate peace with King Philip IV of Spain . It was planned to assassinate Mazarin and replace him with one of their own, Augustin Potier , Bishop of Beauvais .

Mazarin was however quickly informed of the plot. François de Vendôme was arrested on September 2 and imprisoned in the keep of Vincennes Castle, where he spent the next five years.


  • André Chéruel: Histoire de la France pendant la minorité de Louis XIV . Hachette, Paris 1879, pp. 119 ff.
  • Jean-Marie Constant: Langue de bois et lutte pour le pouvoir. La Cabale des Importants de 1643 . In: Bernard Barbiche, Jean-Pierre Poussou, Alain Tallon (eds.): Pouvoirs, contestations et comportements dans l'Europe modern. Mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Yves-Marie Bercé . Presses Sorbonne, Paris 2005, ISBN 2840504006 ( Collection du Center Roland Mousnier . Volume 23), pp. 631-644.