Campylopus subulatus

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Campylopus subulatus
Campylopus subulatus (c, 141221-472356) 5545.JPG

Campylopus subulatus

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Dicranales
Family : Leucobryaceae
Genre : Campylopus
Type : Campylopus subulatus
Scientific name
Campylopus subulatus

Campylopus subulatus (German Pfriemen-Krummstielmoos ) is a deciduous moss - species from the family Leucobryaceae .


Campylopus subulatus forms yellow-green lawns up to 3 centimeters high. The leaves are 3 to 5 millimeters long, upright, narrowly lanceolate with a tubular awl and serrated tip. The leaf vein takes up about half to four fifths of the leaf width at the leaf base. The cross section of the rib shows a layer with large hyaline cells on the upper side (ventral), dorsal stereids are missing. Leaf-wing cells are only weakly differentiated, somewhat enlarged and colorless. Lamina cells are rectangular to linear and thin-walled at the bottom, smaller and square to rectangular at the top.

The vegetative reproduction takes place by breaking off shoot tips, spore capsules are very rare.

Campylopus schimperi

The demarcation to Campylopus schimperi Milde is presented in different ways, in some cases there is a separation at the species level, in some cases C. schimperi is placed as a variety from C. subulatus ( Campylopus subulatus var. Schimperi (Milde) Husn.). The following are stated as differences: Rhizoid felt ( C. schimperi has reddish rhizoid felt, absent in C. subulatus ), back of the leaf vein ( C. schimperi smooth, C. subulatus protruding cells). A clear separation does not always seem possible.

Location requirements

The lime-avoiding species settles on clay or sandy soil, often on paths and edges, as well as on rock in alpine locations. Campylopus subulatus is more likely to be found in low mountain ranges , Campylopus schimperi predominantly alpine.


The distribution is sub-oceanic-montane. It occurs in Europe, Asia and North America.


  • Jan-Peter Frahm, Wolfgang Frey, J. Döring: Moosflora . 4th edition, UTB Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-8252-1250-5 , p. 241 u. 242
  • Nebel, Philippi: The Mosses of Baden-Württemberg Volume 1 . 1st edition, Ulmer Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-8001-3527-2 , pp. 172f

Web links

Commons : Campylopus subulatus  - album with pictures, videos and audio files