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Camulogenus (* probably before 100 BC; † 52 BC ) was a Celtic general . He became famous for his participation in the Battle of Lutetia .


Camulogenus belonged to the Celtic tribe of the Aulerci and was considered an experienced warrior, so that despite his advanced age he was born in 52 BC. Was elected leader of the Celtic warriors in Lutetia, the capital of the Parisii (now Paris ), during the Gallic War .

Initially he was able to block the path of the Roman general Titus Labienus until the battle of Lutetia took place. In it Camulogenus fought at the head of his troops and fell in the process.

Today there is a street in Paris that bears his name.



  1. ^ Gaius Iulius Caesar , De bello Gallico 7, 57 .
  2. Caesar, De bello Gallico 7, 57-59.
  3. ^ Caesar, De bello Gallico 7, 62.