Canan and Handan Can

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Canan and Handan Can (* 1965 in Istanbul and 1968 in Düsseldorf ), with their texts written at a young age, are early authors of an emerging intercultural German language literature.

The sisters come from a Turkish guest worker family. Canan was born and raised in Turkey. Her younger sister Handan was born in Germany, but she too spent most of her childhood in her parents' homeland. In 1979 the family was finally reunited when the children came to live with their parents in Düsseldorf. Their text, written together in German, Life goes on, is, according to Graef's novelist, a remarkable early work in the “Literature of Migrants” in Germany. Horst Hamm considers another text by Handan Can in his "Introduction to German-language guest worker literature " Fremdgiegen - freely written (1988): On the way to school . This appeared in 1983 in the volume Türken deutscher Sprache , edited by Irmgard Ackermann , a flower selection of literary competitions by the Munich Institute for German as a Foreign Language .

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Volume XXIX
  2. cf. P. 173