Canonicus (sachem)

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Canonicus (* 1565 - † June 4, 1647 ) was the sachem of the Narraganset . Always afraid of English settlers, he skillfully preserved large parts of the country for his people. 1622 he sent to the governor of the Plymouth Council , William Bradford , a challenge and warning a snake skin wrapped therein arrows. The English then sent this skin back to the Indians with gunpowder and bullets in it. Canonicus handed over the chieftainship to his nephew Miantonomo , probably because of his old age, although he had a biological son with Mriksah . After the assassination of Miantonomos in 1643, Canonicus took control of his people again.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Benjamin J. Lossing: Eminent Americans, Comprising Brief Biographies of Leading Statesmen, Patriots, Orators and Others, Men and Women, Who Have Made American History . John B. Alden, New York, 1886, p. 15.