Cape Pillar

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Cape Pillar
Geographical location
Cape Pillar (Heard and McDonald Islands)
Cape Pillar
Coordinates 53 ° 8 ′  S , 73 ° 24 ′  E Coordinates: 53 ° 8 ′  S , 73 ° 24 ′  E
location Heard ( Heard and McDonald Islands )
Waters Indian Ocean
height 20 m

The Cape Pillar is a rocky, cliff-like Cape on the southwest side of the island Heard in the southern Indian Ocean . It is between Henderson Bluff and Cape Arkona .

It is named after the MV Cape Pillar , with which Australian scientists headed for Heard in 1980 to map the island.

Web links

  • Cape Pillar in the directory of the Australian Antarctic Data Center (English)