Capillaria plica

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Capillaria plica
Class : Adenophorea
Subclass : Enoplia
Order : Trichocephalida
Family : Trichuridae
Genre : Hair worms ( Capillaria )
Type : Capillaria plica
Scientific name
Capillaria plica
Rudolphi , 1819

Capillaria plica (Syn. Pearsonema plica ) is in the bladder of mammals parasitierender hairworm . It occurs worldwide in dogs and cats, but the infection is rare. Wild animals probably serve as pathogen reservoir.

Adult C. plica are 13 to 60 mm long, thread-like, yellowish and live in the urinary bladder. The eggs produced by the female worms are 63–68 × 24–27 µm in size, covered and have a slightly roughened shell. They are excreted in the urine. Earthworms, in which the infectious L1 larva develops, serve as intermediate hosts. The infection is carried out by recording the intermediate hosts or indirectly through transport hosts.

C. plica rarely causes symptoms. If more severe, it can lead to an inflammation of the bladder with urination and urinary incontinence . The infection usually heals on its own if there are no constant reinfections. For therapy can levamisole , fenbendazole , albendazole and ivermectin are used.

See also

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