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Structure of the steroid on which all cardenolides are based. The link in the cardenolide glycosides takes place via an OH group (missing here) on the left cyclohexane ring

Cardenolides (gr. Cardia, heart ) are a class of steroids , which in many plants in the form of glycosides are included. Many cardenolides count among the steroids that have an effect on the heart , or their glycosides, the cardenolide glycosides , belong to the cardiac glycosides .

Cardenolides are C-23 steroids with methyl groups at C-10 and C-13 and an unsaturated γ-lactone at C-17. This group also includes the cardadienolides and cardatrienolides.

Cardenolide Cardenolide glycoside
Antiarigenin α- and β- antiarin
Digitoxigenin Digitoxin
Purple Glycoside A
Lanatoside A
Digoxigenin Digoxin
Lanatoside C
Gitoxigenin Gitoxin Purple
Glycoside B
Lanatoside B
k-strophanthidine k-strophanthin-α (cymarin)
k-strophanthin-β (strophoside)
k-strophanthin-γ (k-strophanthoside)


The Baljet reaction can be used for the wet- chemical detection of cardenolides . The cardenolides are detected via their CH acidity on the lactone ring. Cardenolides can also be detected via the Raymond reaction (with 1,3-dinitrobenzene ) and the Kedde reaction (with 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid ) using a similar mechanism, but with different reagents .

Individual evidence

  1. Hildebert Wagner: Pharmaceutical Biology . 2. Drugs and their ingredients . Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1980.