Carl-Friedrich Stuckenberg

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Carl Friedrich Stuckenberg (* 1964 in Düsseldorf ) is a German criminal law scholar. He teaches at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn .


From 1984 to 1990 Stuckenberg studied law in Bonn. During this time he also completed studies at the University of Geneva. He also took comparative law courses at the Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé (Strasbourg, Coimbra) and the London School of Economics . In 1990 he passed the first state examination in law. He then did his military service in the Bundeswehr.

From 1991 to 1992 he took part in the Graduate Program (LL.M.) at Harvard Law School and obtained an LL.M. (Harvard). From 1992–1993 Stuckenberg worked as a research assistant with Hans-Ullrich Paeffgen at the Institute for Criminal Law at the University of Bonn. From 1993–1995 he accepted a position as a research assistant at the legal philosophy seminar in Bonn with Günther Jakobs . 1995–1997 did his legal clerkship; he completed his elective position at the Federal Constitutional Court . In 1997 he received his doctorate with the dissertation Investigations on the Presumption of Innocence at the University of Bonn. In 1997 the second state legal examination took place before the State Judicial Examination Office of North Rhine-Westphalia.

From 1997 to 2007, Carl-Friedrich Stuckenberg was a research assistant and then a research assistant at Paeffgen. During this time he deepened his knowledge in the field of criminal law. He then received a research grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the period 2001–2003. In 2006, Stuckenberg completed his habilitation with the thesis preliminary studies on intent and error in international criminal law. Attempt of elementary teaching for a supranational doctrine of intent at the University of Bonn. In addition, the Venia legendi for criminal law, criminal procedure law, international criminal law, comparative criminal law, criminal law history and legal philosophy was awarded.

In the years 2005–2008, Carl-Friedrich Stuckenberg was professor at the Universities of Marburg, Dresden, Münster and Greifswald. From 2008 to 2011 he held the Chair for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, European and International Criminal Law and Comparative Criminal Law at Saarland University. Finally he returned to the University of Bonn, where he has held the chair for German and international criminal law and criminal procedure law, comparative criminal law and criminal law history since October 1, 2011. He is also the ombudsman for suspected scientific misconduct at the University of Bonn.


  • Preliminary studies on intent and error in international criminal law. An attempt at elementary teaching for a supranational doctrine of intent. De Gruyter, Berlin 2007 (Reprint 2011), ISBN 978-3-89949-380-1 .

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