Carl Berthold

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Carl Heinrich Eduard Berthold , known as Carl Berthold (also Karl Berthold , * 1818 ; † 1884 ) was a German musician , fireworker and photographer in Tübingen .


The musician Carl Berthold, who lives in Tübingen, also made fireworks. The chemical knowledge he acquired made it easier for him to get into photography. In 1853 he was the first to venture to set up a stationary studio in Tübingen. As the first in Tübingen, he did not use the daguerreotype , but the new negative-positive process. He relied on portrait photos - Tübingen and the university offered good ground for this - and calculated the prices "extremely cheap". He focused on photography, although he may have continued to make fireworks in the beginning. As numerous other photographers tried their luck in Tübingen shortly after Berthold, there was strong competition and the photographer's earnings were low. So Berthold's wife Luise (born approx. 1825) turned to the Tübingen municipal council in 1859 with the request to enable her to use the “Poor's Bath in Wildbad ”. Their application was approved because the family had “no assets” and the photography earnings “did not offer the means to pay for the cost of spa and medicine”. It is certainly due to the pressure of the competition that Berthold gave up photography again. The last time he advertised as a photographer was in 1859.

Notes and individual references

  1. Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 99
  2. As a "musician and photographer" in the active citizens' directory No. 847 (Stadtarchiv Tübingen, inventory A70 / 419 - Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 99)
  3. Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 23 quoted from the "Tübinger Chronik" of August 23, 1853 a report on the new opening. After this article, Berthold had been working with photography "for quite some time".
  4. Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 24
  5. In an advertisement in the "Tübinger Chronik" of November 16, 1859, he announced: "... I also have fireworks in stock." (Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 23)
  6. Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 22 quoted from the local council protocol 1859 § 375 (Tübingen city archive, inventory A75).
  7. Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia ... , p. 29


  • Wolfgang Hesse: Views from Swabia. Art, country and people in photos by the first Tübingen photographers and the photographer Paul Sinner (1838–1925) , Metz brothers: Tübingen 1989, ISBN 3-921580-79-X