Carl Fromont

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Carl Fromont († November 4, 1476 ) was a French legal scholar .

Fromont came from Paris in 1472 as professor of the Pandects at the newly founded University of Ingolstadt . For his work he received 100 florins. Wilhelm von Reichenau , Prince-Bishop of Eichstätt and first Chancellor of the university, appointed Fromont as Pro-Chancellor.

The universal dispute at the university led to Fromont's expulsion in 1476. In mid-June 1476, almost 50 baccalaureates from via moderna filed six serious complaints against Fromont with Duke Ludwig the Rich . They accused him of sowing discord, forging the magistrand's locations, in order to then have them sworn to assure them that they were satisfied with the place they received, select the examiners partisanly and generally had the reputation of a thief. Since evidence was provided for these accusations, the Duke had Chancellor Fromont expelled in the presence of several university members and forbade any diminution of the rights of the modern and any act of revenge.


  • Carl Prantl: History of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Ingolstadt, Landshut, Munich , 1872