Carl Otto Coith

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Carl Otto Coith , modernized Karl Otto Coith , (* in Chemnitz ; † July 6, 1908 ) was a German lawyer . He was a Privy Councilor, Vice-President of the Court of Appeal and Higher Regional Judge, as well as a founder of the Coith scholarship.


After attending the Princely School of Grimma , Carl Otto Coith studied law at the University of Leipzig . A few years after completing his studies, he gained admission to the civil service in the Kingdom of Saxony and, after having held the position of judicial councilor at the district courts of Augustusburg, Rochlitz and Annaberg, first became an unskilled worker, then an appeal councilor at the Royal Court of Appeal in Zwickau . In 1873 he was appointed vice-president of this court by the King of Saxony. He was later appointed to the Privy Council.

In his will from 1900 he had established the Saxon state as his universal heir and offered a scholarship for students at the Grimma State School.

Fonts (selection)

  • Over §. 5 of the Execution Act of February 28, 1838 . In: General court newspaper for the Kingdom of Saxony and Grand Duke. u. Herzogl. Saxon. Länder, year 1858, pp. 435–457.
  • Contribution to the doctrine of the prejudices a. the communicatory charge according to K. Sächs. Rights . In: General court newspaper for the Kingdom of Saxony and Grand Duke. u. Herzogl. Saxon. Länder, year 1859, pp. 337–378; Year 1860, pp. 450-470.
  • About the legal remedies to which the stolen person is entitled under civil law against the partier . In: General court newspaper for the Kingdom of Saxony and Grand Duke. u. Herzogl. Saxon. Länder, year 1861, pp. 285–303.
  • Comments on §. 1 of the law of June 30, 1868 . In: General court newspaper for the Kingdom of Saxony and Grand Duke. u. Herzogl. Saxon. Länder, year 1868, pp. 65-97 and year 1869, pp. 321-352.
  • About the legal lien, re. The locator's right of retention to the invectis illatis and the fructibus innatis. In: General court newspaper for the Kingdom of Saxony and Grand Duke. u. Herzogl. Saxon. Länder, year 1870, pp. 129–197.
  • To §. 6 of the appendix to the explained procedural rules, with special reference to the loan agreement . In: Zeitschrift für Rechtspflege und Verwaltung von Tauchnitz, New Series, XVIII. Pp. 97-115.


  • Wilhelm Haan : Saxon writer's lexicon. Alphabetical compilation of the scholars, writers and artists currently living in the Kingdom of Saxony, along with brief biographical notes and evidence of their writings that have appeared in print, Robert Schaefer's Verlag, Leipzig, 1875, p. 39.

Individual evidence

  1. Weekly newspaper for strange legal cases, 1873, p. 176.
  2. ^ Educational patronage . Private action, citizenship, cultural competence, 2007, p. 273.