Carlos Altamirano

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Carlos Altamirano Orrego (2010)

Carlos Altamirano Orrego (born December 22, 1922 in Santiago de Chile , † May 19, 2019 ) was a Chilean politician of the Socialist Party .

Between 1971 and 1979 he was general secretary of his party. He was the protagonist of the ideological modernization of his party by bringing it closer to social democracy in the 1980s .


After a successful year for the Allende government (1971), 1972-1973, the country experienced a violent political climate that the September 11 military coup by General Pinochet triggered. This forced him into exile. In 1974 he got to Mendoza in Argentina thanks to the collaboration with a GDR agent who hid him in the trunk of his car . After a few weeks he moved to Havana . He was received by Fidel Castro on January 1, 1975 and soon after went into exile in the GDR.

After he was disillusioned with the political situation in the GDR, he moved to Paris in 1980 , where he maintained a close relationship with Francois Mitterrand . From France he coordinated his party's efforts to reach an agreement with the Christian Democratic Party to defeat Pinochet in the 1988 referendum.

He returned to Chile in 1992 and retired into his personal life until he died on May 19, 2019.


Web links

Commons : Carlos Altamirano  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Ricardo Ffrench – Davis: Reformas Económicas en Chile: 1973–2018. Debate, Santiago 2018, p. 32.
  2. ^ Gabriel Salazar: Conversaciones con Carlos Altamirano. Debate, Santiago 2010, p. 298.
  3. ^ Carlos Altamirano: The Last Chilean Revolutionary