Carlos can score goals

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Carlos can score goals is a novel by Andreas Venzke that was published in 1997.


Carlos lives in Brazil in a favela called Onigo and cleans car windows at a crossroads. In this way he helps to support his family financially. But Carlos also plays football. His team wants to become champions, but Carlos, to his father's annoyance, has not scored a goal in a long time. Grandpa Ruben gives him a shoelace that supposedly comes from Pelé and is supposed to bring him luck. When Carlos can score goals again, his team wins the championship. For Carlos this will be a springboard to be able to play football for a professional club in the “huge” São Paulo and to attend school. The shoelace, however, did not come from Pelé, but from Grandpa Ruben.

The story aims at the magic a simple object can wield on a child and raises a moral problem: even a lie can help in life if only used convincingly for a good cause. The book also addresses the difficult living conditions of children in the so-called Third World .


  • Andreas Venzke: Carlos can score goals . Nagel and Kimche, 1999, ISBN 3-407-78988-2 .
  • Andreas Venzke: Carlos can score goals. Beltz & Gelberg, 1999, 2002, 2006. (from 2006, ISBN 3-407-78988-2 )

Further edits

  • A workbook for the school has been published for the book.
  • There is a quiz on reading comprehension on the Internet: Reading quiz


Individual evidence

  1. Carlos's workbook can score goals . 36 pages. Beltz, 2nd edition 2010. ISBN 978-3-407-99109-6
  2. Award according to the author's homepage for the book

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