Rainer Noël

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Rainer Noël (born December 20, 1950 ) is a German author and television producer .

After graduating from high school in 1971, Rainer Noël studied mathematics / physics (focus: algebraic number theory / theoretical physics). Parallel to his studies, he opened a design gallery in Wittlich , in which he presented exhibits by well-known designers and artists as well as his own objects. At the end of 1983 he gave up the gallery due to a new engagement with RTL plus, which was still in the making at the time . Here he (among other things) developed largely television-compatible versions of a program already established on RTL radio, A day like no other . This travel show, which is still one of RTL's milestones and was the first RTL program to be awarded a Golden Camera in 1992, was head of this travel show (approx. 450 episodes) as the responsible producer until it was discontinued in mid-1993.

In 1995 Noël left RTL and worked freelance for relevant media companies as a producer, author and format developer. In 2006 he and partners founded TRIPLE PLAY GmbH , which specializes in the development of cross-media formats and products and publishes the online travel journal www.traveltopics.de, among other things.