Carpus (saint)

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Carpus (also Karpus or Karpos ) († around 165 ? In Pergamon ) was a Christian martyr and saint .

In the Latin tradition, Carpus is considered to be the bishop of the city of Iulia Gordos (today: Gördes) in Lydia , and Thyatira is also mentioned as his bishopric. He had refused the Roman imperial cult and was thereupon burned at the stake together with his deacon Papylos, his sister Agathonika, his servant Agathodorus and 44 companions. The martyrdom is placed either in the time of the Emperor Decius , around 250, or in the time of the Emperors Mark Aurel and Lucius Verus , which is considered more likely.

Carpus is venerated as a saint. His feast day is April 13 for Catholics and April 4 or October 13 for Orthodox.


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