Carsten Haitzler

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Carsten Haitzler on the laptop (2001)

Carsten Haitzler (born November 29, 1975 in Abeokuta , Nigeria ) is an Australian-German software developer and the initiator of the Enlightenment project. He studied at the University of New South Wales , where he received his Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) in 1997. He is currently employed by Samsung and lives in Seoul .

Nicknamed Rasterman , he introduced the Enlightenment X-Window Manager for Unix / Linux in 1997 as a hack for the FVWM window manager . Carsten Haitzler is considered the Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL, German benevolent dictator for life ) of the project.

In August 1999 Carsten Haitzler was included in the list of the 50 most important programmers in Linux / Open Source by the American Linux magazine.

With his work on the Enlightenment Project, Carsten Haitzler created two libraries that are also used in other projects today. These libraries are the graphics library Imlib and its successor Imlib2, which are used in the Gnome project, among other things , and the integrated sound server Esound , which is also used in the GNOME project.

In 2002 he began to redevelop the window manager and created a complete framework (EFL - Enlightenment Foundation Library), which is used for window and desktop display as well as for widgets (window elements ), similar to the GTK and the Qt framework can. In addition, a mono bond is currently being created.

He has also worked on a few smaller projects. For example on an XFree86 configuration program or on the Memprof application.

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