Carsten Neßhöver

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Carsten Neßhöver is a German geoecologist . Since January 2018 he has been Secretary General of the Advisory Council for Environmental Issues (SRU) in Berlin. From 2004 to 2017 he worked as an expert in knowledge transfer and dialogue, author and scientist at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig.


After studying geoecology at the University of Bayreuth and his diploma thesis entitled "Characterization of the vegetation diversity of a landscape section through functional attributes of plants - an example from the Northern Franconian Jura " , he worked from 2000 as a research assistant at the Bayreuth Institute for Terrestrial Ecosystem Research (BITÖK) and the Chair of Biogeography at the University of Bayreuth. In the research project "BIOLOG-Bayreuth - Biodiversity and ecosystem functions in experimental grassland stocks ", among other things, he did his doctorate on "The role of plant functional diversity for eocosystem functioning in Central European grasslands - A theoretical framework and evidence from a long-term experiment ". Since 2004 he has been a research assistant in the "Department of Nature Conservation Research" at the UFZ and in 2010 became Deputy Head of Department and Co-Head of the Theory and Science Policy Working Group.

Since January 2018, as Secretary General of the Advisory Council for Environmental Issues (SRU), he has been entrusted with the management of the Council's office in Berlin.

Research and knowledge transfer

In addition to conceptual work on biodiversity and ecosystem services, Neßhöver at the UFZ primarily worked on researching and implementing transfer processes between environmental research and policy. He founded the UFZ Science-Policy-Expert Group, which works across different departments. He was co-initiator and coordinator of the Network Forum Biodiversity Research (NeFo) . At the European and international level, he was involved in numerous projects at the interface between science and politics. a. in the scientific coordination of the global study on the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity (TEEB) .

One focus of the content-related work of Neßhöver is new concepts in environmental research that explicitly aim to better consider environmental issues in politics (e.g. ecosystem services, economic evaluation of natural resources, nature-based solutions). In his practical work to improve the dialogue between science and society, he developed a new approach to knowledge dialogue on biodiversity issues in various projects at European level.

He publishes books and articles aimed at a wider audience as well as specialist articles on issues of biodiversity protection and knowledge transfer.



  • Neßhöver, C. (2013): Biodiversity - Our Most Valuable Resource. - Herder publishing house , Freiburg im Breisgau. 208 pp.
  • Vohland, K., Paulsch, A., Marquard, E., Henle, K. , Häuser, C. & C. Neßhöver, C. (2013): "Biodiversity research and political action" . In: BECK, E. (Ed.): The diversity of life: how high, how complex, why? Wiley-VCH , Weinheim: 225-234.
  • Neßhöver, C. , Prip, C. & Wittmer, H. (2015): Biodiversity governance - A global perspective from the Convention on Biological Diversity . In: Gasparatos, A. & Willis, KJ (eds.): Biodiversity in the Green Economy . Taylor & Francis, London: 289-308.


  • Kurt Jax , Barton, DN; Chan, KMA; de Groot, R .; Doyle, U .; Eser, U .; Goerg, C .; Gómez-Baggethun, E .; Griewald, Y .; Haber, W .; Haines-Young, R .; Heink, U .; Jahn, T .; Joosten, H .; Kerschbaumer, L .; Korn, H .; Luck, GW; Matzdorf, B .; Muraca, B .; Neßhöver, C .; Norton, B .; Ott, K .; Potschin, M .; Rauschmayer, F .; von Haaren, C. & Wichmann, S. (2013): Ecosystem services and ethics.- Ecological Economics 93: 260-268
  • Neßhöver, C .; Timaeus, J .; Wittmer, H .; War, A .; Geamana, N .; van den Hove, S .; Young, J .; Watt, A. (2013): Improving the Science-Policy Interface of Biodiversity Research Projects .- GAIA 22: 99-103 open access
  • Pe'er, G. , McNeely, JA, Dieterich, M., Jonsson, BG, Selva, N., Fitzgerald, JM & Neßhöver, C. (2013): IPBES: Opportunities and Challenges for SCB and other learned societies. Conservation Biology 27: 1-3.
  • Neßhöver, C., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H., Balian, EV, Carmen, E., Geijzendorffer, IR, Görg, C., Jongman, R., Livoreil, B., Santamaria, L., Schindler, S., Settele, J., Sousa Pinto, I., Török, K., van Dijk, J., Watt, A., Young, J., Zulka, KP, Kneu Project Team (2016): The Network of Knowledge approach - improving the science and society dialogue on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe . Biodiversity and Conservation 25 (7): 1215-1234. ( doi: 10.1007 / s10531-016-1127-5 , open access)
  • Reuter, K., Timpte, M., Neßhöver, C. (2016): Correspondance - Disciplinary balance: How to engage social scientists in IPBES . Nature 531/7593: 173.


  1. Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Neßhöver: CV Dr. Carsten Neßhöver - Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research UFZ. Retrieved January 4, 2018 .
  2. ^ Advisory Council for Environmental Issues - Press releases - New management of the SRU office. Retrieved January 4, 2018 .
  3. Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Neßhöver: UFZ Science-Policy Expert Group - Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research. Retrieved January 4, 2018 .
  4. Carsten Nesshöver, Barbara Livoreil, Stefan Schindler, Marie Vandewalle: Challenges and solutions for networking knowledge holders and better informing decision-making on biodiversity and ecosystem services . In: Biodiversity and Conservation . tape 25 , no. 7 , June 1, 2016, ISSN  0960-3115 , p. 1207–1214 , doi : 10.1007 / s10531-016-1124-8 ( [accessed January 4, 2018]).